2024 Salary Guide

Comprehensive salary trends and market insights

Unlock your competitive edge with the 2024 Salary Guide.

Our 2024 Salary Guide offers informed salary insights and market-led intelligence that cuts through the noise, helping you strategically navigate talent acquisition and rentention. Equip your organisation with market context beyond simply the numbers, ensuring you remain aligned with the market's evolving landscape.

Our guide is designed to help you:

  • Familiarise yourself with the salary data you need to hire and retain top professionals in your field.

  • Empower your leaders to negotiate salaries more successfully with robust, market-driven data.

  • Craft more thoughtful business strategies for effective hiring and prolonged talent retention.

Get your copy of the 2024 LHH salary guide.

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Data integrity and methodology

This guide has been compiled using our own extensive database of salary data. Each salary has been thoroughly checked against what our experts are seeing in the market which ensures that you have reliable and helpful insights crafted with precision.

Finding exceptional talent for leading organisations

The best organisations start with exceptional, diverse talent — sharp minds that understand their culture and values, and have the skills and growth potential to evolve with whatever is next. In short, we help you make the best decisions for your workforce today and in the future. With decades of experience, LHH recruitment professionals are experts in our fields. We help you align with the experts you need to thrive in yours.